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4th juLY

Set up day

from 8am we will be setting up the marques on the Hale Recreation Ground- if you can spare a few hours to help on this day - please get in touch to let us know


5th july

Carnival Day !

We have many areas where we need volunteering from marshals to help in the beer tent, from 2 hours to 10 hours - how long is up to you - all offers of help are welcome - get in touch to find out more.


6th July

packing & clearing up

The more people that can help with the clear up the quicker we can get to the pub and put our feet up !

from 8 am onwards - just turn up or get in touch. 

Without volunteers the Hale Carnival event simply would not be able to run. We therefore welcome all offers of support over the weekend however small from 2 hours to all 3 days - full details below-


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